Drivers of delivery vehicles must access the loading bays via an ancillary access road behind the Valencia Conference Centre (VCC) that leads directly to the loading and unloading area.
The ancillery access road is for loading/unloading only, no parking is allowed on this road.
The VCC provides trolleys and pallets jack for transporting goods to your stand.

See map


The process for dismantling is the same as assembly.

If you need a rubbish bin to place leftover material in at the end of the event, contact us. The cost of this will depend on the size and type of material to be disposed of.

The containers are found on the auxiliary road, so they are easy to access.




  • Shipping address for goods:
    Palacio de Congresos de València
    Avenida Cortes Valencianas, 60
    46015 – València
  • ​All goods must be clearly marked with the name and the date of the conference, the name of the company and a contact telephone.
  • ​Goods may be received up to 48 hours, or two working days before the conference begins.
  • Once the stands have been built, any surplus materials should be left in the loading bays specified by de VCC so that the stands areas are clear.
  • ​When the conference is over and the stands have been taken down, all goods should be left in the Centre’s loading bays. Any material left in the exhibition area will be thrown away.
  • ​All materials left in the loading bays must be collected within 48 hours or two working days. After this time, we will assume that the exhibitor no longer wants the materials. These will be removed, and the exhibitor may be charged for the removal.



  • Floor: granite
  • Floor load capacity: 300 kg/m2
  • Walls: polished limestone.
  • Variable height due to ceiling design, from 8.6m to 14.75 m.
  • Ceiling lights: led lamps. 
  • O​ur exhibition area has 4 ramps on which stands may be situated. Please check if your stand is located on one of the ramps - if it is it will need to be levelled.
    If you have contracted the construction of your modular or designer stand with the ValenciaConference Centre, levelling is included in this price.

Holes may not be made in the walls, ceiling or floor of the exhibition hall.
Any alterations or damage to rooms, facilities or objects will be charged to the exhibitor responsible.




To request a modular stand, see the corresponding section of the online shop with the option

Stands must be left in their original state. It is not permitted to paint them or affix posters (unless done with special double-sided tape which leaves no residue). 
The exhibitor is responsible for any costs related to damage.



Plans for designer stands must be submitted sufficiently in advance so they can be approved by the Centre’s technical department (see ORP tab) 

In order to demarcate the area of each stand, all stands, including pop-up stands or those with only furniture, must be mounted on carpeting or use boundary vinyl.

Stands which are neither designer stands nor modular stands, nor umbrellas, must have a backdrop, as posters cannot be affixed to the walls.




​Exhibitors may decorate and equip their stand as they wish, as long as they take into account the aforementioned rules and the following:

  1. Stand equipment should not exceed the allocated floor surface area or the height of the walls. No installations or decoration which could o_end any or all of the exhibitor will be permitted. 

  2. Unfinished parts of the stand must not be visible, even from outside the building.
    The stand’s design must take this into account if it is located in front of the glass side of the building or if one of its neighboring stands is lower than it. 

  3. Loudspeakers and other similar devices are prohibited. Pamphlets and samples may only be distributed within the stand itself.  


Exhibited goods, stand components and packaging materials are left in the VCC exhibition hall or rooms at the exhibitors’ risk.

As a preventive measure, the VCC advises exhibitors no to leave small easy-to-carry items unguarded, or to leave their stand unattended whether it is assembled or disassembled.

The VCC declines all responsibility for lost or stolen items. We can offer additional security on order; in the online shop you will find the form for this.


Exhibitors are responsible for cleaning their own stand. If you would like this service to be performed by specialist staff, you can request it in the online shop.

Cleaning will only be allowed when the exhibition is closed to visitors.


The exhibition halls and walkways will be cleaned after the set up.
Exhibitors are responsible for cleaning their own stand. If you would like this service to be
performed by specialist staff, you can request it in the online shop.

Cleaning will only be allowed when the exhibition is closed to visitors.


The exhibition organisers and the Valencia Conference Centre management reserve the
right to modify these terms and conditions at any time.
The exhibition organisers will inform exhibitors of any changes. 

All information and instructions given to exhibitors by the organisers are an integral part of these regulations.


Small actions can have a big impact

​The use of sustainable materials can reduce the environmental impact of your event. Because of this, in line with VCC’s commitment to the UN’s SDGs, we will help you to take decisions to create a sustainable event that conserves our environment for future generations and supports disadvantaged.

  • ​Appropriately predicting the merchandise necessary
    for the stand, in this way transport and packaging usage can be reduced, creating less waste.
  • ​That merchandise packaging for the stand be minimal and made of recycled material. Avoid the use of plastic film and use paper or cardboard as packaging material instead of plastic.
  • Choose packaging that can be used for both incoming and outgoing goods, thus encouraging its reuse.


We use wood with FCS and PEFC certifications and the GLOBAL G.A.P. Chain of Custody CoC Standard.
All materials are reused and repaired when necessary. At the end of their life they are appropriately recycled. 


​The durable and high-quality aluminium used in our stands has been reused for years.
It is 100% recyclable


​Carpet as well as canvasses are recycled with waste plastic as they are made from PVC. Foam is taken to a waste facility.

Sometimes, however, all this leftover material finds another use and its life is extending as it becomes bedding in an animal shelter or a primary material for a local artist who creates foam silhouettes of figures. 


​Furniture is reused for years, and when we notice
there are superficial flaws we arrange for it to be sent to another business or shop so it can continue to be of use.