Coordination of business activities in occupational risk prevention

To comply with the legal requirements regarding the CAE (article 24 of Law 31/1995 and chapter III of R.D. 71/2004) we ask those responsible for the design stands to provide us with the following documentation:

1) Evaluation of Occupational Risks in the company
2) ORP Declaration, and if necessary, the ORP Declaration for machines and work equipment – ​​ANNEXES 6A and 6B
3) List of all the personnel that will access the facilities of the Palacio de
4) Congresses (one list for each company) – ANNEX 6C

All this documentation, along with the stand design for approval, must be sent to the following email: accesospcv@palcongres-vlc.comspecifying in the subject the name of the congress and stand, and must be delivered within 15 days of the event so that they can access the building..

València Conference Centre